hino hino

i love cat i love music and i love dark,dark midnight

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Body Pollution

I saw a short film titled `Body Pollution` in You Tube.

It told us a new kind pullution what is around us in our lives. It is called `Body Pollution` and be very serious now. From this film I find a lot of things what I`m eating, using everyday may very dangerous for my body. There was a very alarming database:53% of chemicl what we are using could cause cancer; 62% toxic to brain/nervous system; 55% cause birth defects.
How dreadful!

In this film, the reporter also told us how to decrease the body pollution.
Minimize faty foods.
Minimize beauty products.
Avoid stain removers.
Avoid seafood high in mercury.
And so on.

I think there are some other body pollutions: alcohol, smoking, and drugs.
If we want save us and this beatiful planet, we should try our bests to decrease all kinds of pollutions.
I hope we can do it.

I will go to the cinema~~~~

Today I will go to the cinema in Tachikawa.
In fact today is the last day of "Goodbye Bafana" shows in Tokyo. And I also will watch another movie "The hottest state" tonight. Yes, I am short of time today......

"Goodbye Bafana"
is the true story of a white South African racist whose life was profoundly altered by the black prisoner he guarded for twenty years. The prisoner's name was Nelson Mandela. I think he is a very great statesman and I want to know more about him.

"The hottest state" is a love story. I don't have any idea about it. But I think it will be a nice one--also is a sad one.

So, maybe I will tell you how about the movies tonight--if I still have time to write it.

See you

Thursday, May 15, 2008

To Aori

I had comment in my blog today from my friend Aori.

Thanks for your comment, but I am afraid I cannot agree with in that I give up with my boyfriend...

In fact there are a lot of issues between us. For example he has no enough self-confidence. As you know, some of his friends are artists, they are so dazzlingly that let he missed himself. In other hands, some of his friends are not so nice guys. They are too different from my friends.
Do you remember what I told you about the live day? He was jealous with his friends, just because of we have a lot of theme of conversations, and they all liked me...But it just an incident. Very strange thing is we never had the wrangle...

I just wait for him, wait for the bye-bye.
Of course I would not to date with new one before we have say bye-bye...

Who is the new one? What I just told you

See you later

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Favorite Famous Person

Name Slivie Guillem

Occupation Ballet dancer

Date of Birth February 25, 1965

Age 43

Place Of Birth Paris

Interests Ballet

Career History In 1983 Guillem won the gold medal at the Varna International Ballet Competition. In 1984, at the young age of 19, Guillem became an etoile of the company after her first performance of Swan like. In 1989, Guillem shocked Rudolf Nureyev when she left the Paris Opera Ballet to become the principal guest artist at the Royal Ballet.

Reason For Choosing this Person she is the best dancer