hino hino

i love cat i love music and i love dark,dark midnight

Thursday, May 15, 2008

To Aori

I had comment in my blog today from my friend Aori.

Thanks for your comment, but I am afraid I cannot agree with in that I give up with my boyfriend...

In fact there are a lot of issues between us. For example he has no enough self-confidence. As you know, some of his friends are artists, they are so dazzlingly that let he missed himself. In other hands, some of his friends are not so nice guys. They are too different from my friends.
Do you remember what I told you about the live day? He was jealous with his friends, just because of we have a lot of theme of conversations, and they all liked me...But it just an incident. Very strange thing is we never had the wrangle...

I just wait for him, wait for the bye-bye.
Of course I would not to date with new one before we have say bye-bye...

Who is the new one? What I just told you

See you later

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